Today for breakfast we made chia muesli. This is a delicious raw food breakfast that is packed with super-foods, nutrients and antioxidants. We first tried this at a local restaurant, Jack Sprat, and I loved it so much I was inspired to make it at home.
Recipe Per Bowl:
Almond or Soy Milk (approximately 1.5 cups)
Gogi Berries (small handful)
Apples diced (half apple any type)
Bananas sliced (1)
Walnuts chopped (small handful)
Chia Seeds (3 Tbsp)
We are in an interesting place here when it comes to food. We have been watching a lot of documentaries recently that will just make your head spin and also hopefully get you thinking and questioning. Some of the documentaries that we have viewed would include "Food Inc," "The Botany of Desire," "Food Matters," "Food Fight," "Food Beware," and the "Future of Food" to name a few. There is a lot of great information out there, it is just deciding from there where you can start chipping away at this issue. Unfortunately, it requires funds but there are those out there that insist you can do this on a budget. Some of the small things we started with included shopping our local farmers markets this season and definitely being more conscious of the food that we are taking in. Some things I want to do in the upcoming seasons include: do a raised bed garden, get a greenhouse going and I want to get what meat we do eat, which is not much, from our local butchery that sells wild game. Next season we will be fishing for salmon and possibly halibut. I also try and tell everyone I know about these shows to hopefully add to the common consciousness about the food crisis that we are currently in.
This all becomes so much more important for us now that we have a baby on the way. Mom wants to be eating the best foods possible to provide the baby the nutrients she needs as she is growing. We plan on breastfeeding for as long as possible, making our own local organic produce/fruit based baby food and instilling healthy eating choices/habits from an early age. This continues to mean a major shift in what we are/were used to as a couple, considering we pretty much sustained ourselves on eating out every meal for the first two years we were married. We are slowly getting there, but now have that added motivation that comes from becoming parents.
What about all of the Chia pets that will never see the light of day? (Actually, I'm glad you ate the seeds before they could sprout. Chia pets give me the heebie jeebies.)