Sunday, July 31, 2011

Four Months Old

Zola is up to four months now! She is undergoing rapid changes now. Pretty much every day I notice something new.

Zola is expressing quite a bit of interest in food lately. She stares down our food and drink. We've given her little nibbles of things and she doesn't protest. Pretty soon we'll have to either start feeding her some food, or stop eating in front of her so she doesn't get mad out of jealousy.

She also seems to be teething. She has really started chewing on things all the time. There's basically no time when there isn't something in her mouth. She even chews her tongue, which looks really funny.

Zola has started protesting when we take a toy away, or when she drops a toy. Of course, we don't take away a toy just out of spite; usually, it's to hand her a different toy because the first one is dripping in drool. She is really good at picking up toys, putting them back down, and switching between hands. She also can take a pacifier out of her mouth and put it back in. Zola is increasingly reaching out for things she wants: a toy, a bottle, daddy's nose, etc.

Zola is still very long and slender for her age. We go into the doctor this week to get better measurements, and unfortunately for more shots. She still has a mark from her shots a few months ago. Zola is still very slow on the hair growth. There's some hair, but not much. She probably inherited this from mommy and daddy, who both were bald babies.

Zola is still unbelievably smiley. I can turn her crying into a smile within five seconds by singing. She also is laughing more and more, sometimes really loudly.

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the last month:

Zola cuddling up with daddy on the couch
Zola loves playing with toys while on the bumbo

The mosquito, one of Zola's friends

Zola smiling wide at her friend Wrangell. He's several months older than Zola.

Wrangell having a taste of Zola's head

At Forest Fair

Mommy put a bow in Zola's hair even though there's still very little of it

The fingers rarely leave her mouth

Friday, July 1, 2011

Three Months Old

Zola just turned three months old on June 30. Almost time for college! Zola is really changing fast now. She is laughing out loud and squealing in delight, and smiling all the time, even when she's crying sometimes. Although Zola is still calm when breastfeeding, her disposition while bottle feeding has changed, which makes things more interesting for me. She moves around a lot while bottle feeding; her mouth is a moving target.

Zola is really getting vocal lately. She's trying to talk often, and she's usually trying to say "I love you" because that's what we say to her all the time. It does sound vaguely like "I love you", but not enough to officially call it her first words yet. I tried to get her to say "weather", but so far she's not as interested in saying that.

Zola enjoys playing around in her Jumperoo and Bumbo. She can sort of turn herself over. She isn't sleeping though the whole night yet; she still gets up once and sometimes twice, but at least she does sleep about four or five hours straight.

Probably her most distinguishing trait is how cute she is. I know parents are supposed to think their own baby is the cutest in the world, but Zola really is! In Wal-mart today, I saw another baby and thought how ugly that baby looked compared to Zola. But then again, people in Wal-mart generally look funny anyway. Zola's smile is just so amazingly cute. She often curls up her hands under her chin while smiling. I try to imitate Zola's smiles, but mine are nowhere near as cute.

Anyways, here are some of my favorite pics/videos from the 3rd month.

This is my personal favorite Zola picture at this moment


Daddy loves taking Zola for walks with Nimbo in the Moby wrap

Not that Zola needs sunglasses...they just look cute on her

Nimbo loves licking Zola
The Jumperoo!

This was actually Zola's first time really laughing out loud (at least for Daddy)!

Playing on the Bed in a Hotel Room

Grandma and Zola

Grandma and Zola

Grandma and Zola